All right, since the last time one of us posted was back in September, I think it's time for an update, yeah? I don't want to write this all out in narrative because that would take more time and energy than I want to expend, but I think it's worth at least some brief highlights from each month since early fall. Ready? Go!
I was accepted into grad school at Southern New Hampshire University! I am earning an MA in English/Creative Writing and my focus is in fiction, although nonfiction was a very close second.
Eric was deep into his first class in grad school and loving it.
I made a Halloween costume inspired by Pinterest.
We went to a corn maze with the young adult group at church, which we are tentatively calling the "TLC-Hawks." ;)
I made my annual commitment to NaNoWriMo and survived once more! My goal was to finish the novel I started the previous year, and even though I hit 50k before the end of November, there are still several scenes left to be told. :P
We enjoyed Thanksgiving with the Shaws and Joneses on the peninsula.
I never realized how crazy December could get until we were involved in church during that month. Things get all kinds of nuts that month.
I shared a short sermon at our Christmas Eve service.
Eric wrapped up his first class in grad school with a 3.7! I'm proud of how much work he's put into his studies thus far. :)
I started a blog to document the daily life of living in south Seattle and to highlight the wonderful restaurants, organizations, and scenery located down here.
Christmas we spent with my family again because of my folks' imminent return to Africa and not getting to see them again for God only knows how long.
I started grad school! I'm currently in my last week of my first class--going part time--and it's been a good reintroduction to formal education.
Eric started his next term of classes and continued his good efforts.
I taught one of the youth from church how to make jam! :)
We hosted a worship event called Encounter: Worship which pulled on the larger Judd family network and was a wonderful experience.
We found out that Eric's sister and husband are going to have a baby girl! It was fun and emotional to find out and very exciting. We can't wait to meet her in June!
Rosie discovered an Amazon box that I feel like I can't throw away now because she curls up in it all of the time.
We had our annual business meeting and potluck at church. The food was good, the discussion was good, and we discovered our very own "drunk baby!"
Eric and I went on vacation to Cannon Beach, which deserves its own post, but we'll see if I ever get around to posting about it. It was definitely needed!
We had another "Encounter" event, but this time, it was an all-night prayer meeting. It was long, and I have never done anything like that before. I think it was good, and we definitely want to do it again. Hopefully, more people will come next time!
We have been going through The Bible series on the History channel as a small group activity, and that has been fun because our host homes have changed a little, so we've had the opportunity to spend more time with people that we don't know as well. It's nice. :)
And I think that brings us up to date! Easter is coming up soon, and today is Good Friday. We aren't doing anything "traditional" for it, unless you count grabbing Ethiopian noms with an atheist friend as "traditional." ;) I'm looking forward to tonight anyway. :)
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