Monday, August 23, 2010


This is Pippin (on our unmade bed). He is 8 months old and a serious cutie pie. He was also my surprise gift from Eric yesterday for my 25th birthday!

E and I drove to the Seattle Humane Society after church yesterday and adopted our newest family member after spending some time with most of the kittehs there. He chose us, for sure, and his former name was Stache because of his mini mustache. (Cute, but not quite right for us.) He's a sweetheart, a lover, and he definitely chose us instead of the other way around. We agreed on that stipulation before we even went inside to look at the cats. (I think that's the best way to find a pet--let them find you.)

His file said he was "shy with strangers, could be aggressive," and I'm pretty sure both of those are wrong! His former owners didn't really know much about our little guy, I'm sure! He's perfectly comfortable around strangers so far, and although he nips a little when he plays--he drew blood on Eric's chin last night--he's mostly a very chill, very cuddly cat.

Best part about him? His purr sounds more like a wheeze. :) He's the best!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Yesterday was our one monthiversary, and although we had originally planned on going out on a date--for other reasons, we'd actually forgotten it was our one month!--E didn't get off work until 7:30pm. Since we were both tired, and I didn't feel like cooking last night, we ordered pizza and then played Lego Star Wars while drinking soda out of LOTR commemorative glasses. Oh yes. Romantic? I guess not so much traditionally, but it was great for the two of us. We also found a hilarious Easter egg on one of the levels we replayed.

In other news, Eric's "Exploder" (aka Ford Explorer) broke down (again!) the other day. About two months ago, he replaced the slave cylinder in the engine, and he thinks that same part is once again broken. Grr. He's going to try to get it replaced via warranty, but we might have to bite the bullet and get a new car. :S If that's the case, anyone know of a solid rig that's not expensive? Anyone? Bueller?

In other OTHER news, the summer is winding down *singular tear* and fall is just around the corner. Eric and I are getting involved in youth ministry at church (makes us both a little nervous), and we're involved with a couple of different ongoing events. Luckily, our church's summer small groups are almost over--not like we've been that great at attending this summer!--so that will be one less thing to worry about.

Right now...well, we have a lot going on and a lot of uncertainty going with all of that. If you think to pray for us, we would both appreciate the extra coverage! :)