Sunday, January 24, 2010

No gift registry!?

I've heard about this one a few times, so I thought I'd throw down our reasoning in 3 easy steps.

1. We're in our mid-twenties, not our late teens. Both of us have lived on our own for a little while now, and have accumulated necessities to "make home" as it were. We don't need towels, dish rags, rugs, chairs, tables, lamps, etc. because we already have them. The bulk of a wedding registry is already filled out by either myself or Beth, so it would be redundant to set one up.

2. We're not materialistic. Kind of pretentious to label ourselves as such, but it's true: what we don't already have we don't really need. Toys are nice but not necessary, and create a lot more clutter than they're worth. I personally have enough clutter as it is, and need to unload a lot of junk that I'll never use. I'd hate to add to that pile. Besides we have each other and that's really all we need.

3. Our ultimate goal is missions. This really is the clincher. We both are trying to order our lives such that we will be overseas in full-time ministry. Our personalities are such that we desire no attachment to any particular place: we won't be owning any land here, nor will this necessarily be "home" while we're "over there". We will be where we will be, and that is as far as we are willing to take it. It behooves us, then, not to fill a particular space (in, say, a rented storage unit) with belongings we can't take with us. Both of us have enough stuff to "make home" already, and we will probably be unloading a fair amount of it before we step into our calling. We would rather save money spent for junk for us, and give it to a local charity instead.

So there it is. I believe the only thing we will desperately need is a bed, and maybe a couch. We'll probably just be asking for gift cards to Ikea or what have you. Regardless, please don't be offended that you can't buy stuff for us. We love you and we do appreciate your thoughtfulness and sincerity of heart in giving us gifts. We would rather be blessed with your friendship and attendance at our celebration, and that really is all we need and want.

EDIT: We have a mini registry at Target.


  1. I can't see why not buying you crap would be a problem.

    That said: yay for a bed! Let us know what you need; we'll (I speak for probably 100 friends) will find a way to supply it. And so forth.

  2. Bed and bedding to go with. That's all we really need. :)

  3. Good for you! I highly recommend beds from Ikea, but make sure it's 100% wood (the particle board kind just won't stand up to all of know, haha!). There are quite a few types, and they're cheap! Also, the foam matresses there are SO affordable and actually really comfy, especially with an added memory foam matress topper from Coscto (about $150). I sleep like a baby. Yay!
