So a lot--a LOT--has happened since last I posted here. I'll just post a sort of list to make this shorter.
1. We spent the first week of January in California with my dad's family down there. Since my grandmother's surgery back in September, her entire life has been flipped upside down, and we all wanted to see her and the rest of the family down there. Highlights of our vacation:
2. I got a new job! I am no longer working at the hotel but have transitioned to a job as a day porter at a local tech company. This was considered by my former coworkers as a step down (since I am no longer in management), but there are other benefits to account for, including:
- free breakfast
- free lunch
- free coffee
- free snacks
- free access to a fitness facility
- a built in commuting buddy (Eric also works there)
- peace of mind

3. Last, but most exciting, Eric and I will be moving to Rainier Valley in Seattle to work with Trinity Life Center! We had originally applied for the youth pastor position, but things changed, and now we will be assisting with youth and Eric will be doing web/tech/media for the church.
We were formally introduced to the board and congregation on Sunday, went to our first youth service last night, and man, I love love LOVE that group of kids! They are amazing--every single one of them! They are talented and fun, and I am so excited to see God move in their lives!
This month, Eric and I will be focusing on moving into our new apartment--about half the size of our current digs--and getting to know the lead youth pastor couple and the youth group better. We will also be attending winter camp the weekend of President's Day, so we definitely have a lot on our plates.

Overall, a lot is going on, but it is all happening in incredible timing. God sure knows what he's doing!