Monday, December 19, 2011


It never ceases to amaze me how busy the holidays get, especially now that marriage has been thrown into the whole shebang. Although this is the second holiday season that Eric and I have gone through together, I think we're still figuring out how best to navigate the details of spending which holiday with whom. Being single was definitely easier in that regard!

Now Eric and I are trying to balance our holiday time between families in a way that is fair to us, my family, and his. As much as I want to please everyone, sometimes we do just need to put our feet down for our own sanity.

In the meantime, I'm wrapping up the first half of the "quarter" that I've been working with an ESL pupil and trying to get everything else done that I volunteered to get done in time of the holidays. I made a bunch of treats to bring in for my coworkers tomorrow, and then I'll need to get started on the Christmas presents that I'm making. Yeah, I like to live on the wild side, it's true, but it's also true that finishing homemade gifts on Christmas Day or later is a Shaw family tradition.

I'm very excited that Christmas is almost here--less than a week!--because it's always fun to be with family, and I'll be surrounded by a bajillion family members soon. Woo!

In a week and a half, Eric and I will then be joining my folks and my sister and brother-in-law on a trip down to San Diego to be with the rest of our family down there, especially to visit my grandma whose health has been poor. We're driving down in a minivan and then my sister and brother-in-law and Eric and I will be flying back about a week later.

This will be our first vacation since our honeymoon, so I'm very much looking forward to some time off!

Anywho...I've got some ESL lesson planning to do.

Happy holidays to all!