Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In case of emergency:

Eric and I went to Chase this evening to join our checking accounts so we wouldn't have to try to use two different accounts to pay bills, etc., and so we would start seeing our money as OUR money, not "my money" and "Eric's money."

The personal banker we spoke with did her best to sell us on various products and services, and one of the questions she asked was, "Do you know what you would do in an emergency?"

Both of us: Umm...

Eric: Run around and start screaming?

Me: Look for a crowbar?

Obviously, she meant a financial emergency, which she then felt obligated to give examples of, which helped with clarity of the situation. But let it be known that should a REAL emergency arise, like an alien invasion or a zombie apocalypse, we will be well prepared.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

a matter of alignment

Me: So what alignment do you think our cat would have? Chaotic neutral?
Eric: Yeah.

(Pippin looks up at us from the couch, a crazed look in his eye, tail lashing.)

Me: You sure he wouldn't be chaotic evil?
Eric: He's not evil all the time...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Snowy snow!

Both Eric and I were at Judd Haven all day. Eric was at work about two and half hours or so before his boss freaked out about possibly getting the work trucks stuck in the snow and sent everyone home early, and today was one of my normal days off. So what did we do? Not much.

We napped a little, drank some hot chocolate, ate some noms, read, computed, and watched some Stargate SG1 during dinner. Eric is now at a gaming session with some friends, and I'm trying to dig my way out of NaNoWriMo word count hell. (SO BEHIND)

Tomorrow, I hope we don't die on our commutes to work. I'm not concerned about driving to work, I'm concerned about the drivers around me.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

He's home! :D

Eric came home one day early from his week long hunting trip with the Judd he-men, and I was super excited last night that I stayed up WAY too late to see him when he got home.

I know I forgot to mention that Eric even went on this hunting trip, and for that, well, consider it an oversight on my part. I've been distracted with NaNoWriMo. (Just google it.) One of our neighbors/friends is also doing that, so he and I have been having a word competition. It's entertaining. :)


We now have elk meat in our freezer, and that is definitely worth it for Eric having been gone for so long. Plus, it's even better seeing him after not seeing him for awhile. Perhaps these types of trips, although sucky at the time, have added benefits in the long run. (Although, to be honest, we did have to work through a long distance argument/misunderstanding, but even having worked through that, I think it only served to make our relationship stronger.)

That is all. :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Eric and I went to a Halloween party last night at a friend's house. The theme was superhero/villains, with a bit of leeway in costuming. (Example: mutants were allowed, as were "unofficial" heroes.) We were told to bring a food or beverage reflecting our characters. Without further ado, the pictures. :)