A lot can happen in a week, and a lot is going to happen in this next one. For starters, in just about 7 days even, Eric and I will be married. Wow--hard to believe it's almost here!
In one day, it will be the 4th of July, and although E and I aren't super excited to celebrate the holiday--we're not what you would call "patriots"--we are looking forward to spending time with family, eating good food, and I am looking forward to the fireworks and watching my father and brother-in-law light each other on fire. (Mwahahaha...)
Tomorrow is also my final dress fitting and Eric's measurement for his special tuxedo vest that my mom is making. Curious? Then come to the reception! :) But don't worry--if you can't make it to the reception, we'll post pics here so you can enjoy it long distance. :)
Sometime during this next week, E and I are finalizing our settling in process to the new apartment. He's already mostly moved in, and most of my stuff is over there, but we still have boxes to unpack and some furniture to arrange. We're also desperately in need of more bookshelves. I'm telling you...pastors and English majors probably shouldn't get married. My parents are a perfect example of this, and somehow it didn't quite hit me until E and I found ourselves swimming in our mutual libraries.
Btw, we have a new mattress and box spring we purchased from a local store with the generous donations of invited ones, plus we bought a used ikea bed frame via craigslist and we have our bedroom mostly set up now. Yay! Now if only we can convince people to get us sheets too. ;)
Thursday, several of my relatives are flying in from California, including my grandmother who is doing all the flowers and my cousin who is making our cake. Yeah cake!
Friday, we're finishing up all the decorations, flowers, cake, and having a rehearsal on the boat, then Saturday is the big day. Woo!
It's all very surreal, but I am excited and very much looking forward to the day when I won't have to say goodbye to Eric when I go home. Home is going to be us soon, and that is very very wonderful! :)